EVSE-Wifi 1.1.1 remote access

Fragen und Antworten zur Software hinter EVSE-WiFi
Beiträge: 24
Registriert: Do 11. Jun 2020, 22:39

EVSE-Wifi 1.1.1 remote access

Beitrag von Courage2000 »


I have a remote installation and I try to set up EVCC.

For this, I need to enable API on the EVSE-Wifi.

I know that WebSocket is used, so I set up a reverse proxy on my Synology NAS with support for WebSockets, now I can access the EVSE Wifi interface via HTTPS.

https://dynamicdns:7071 -> NAS_IP:7171 -> EVSE-WIFI_IP:80

Is not the only HTTPS reverse web proxy that I use (the others work without problem).

When I send the correct password to the EVSE, the module restarts.
error.jpg (35.53 KiB) 12503 mal betrachtet
P.S. I've also tried without https (http), same result.

Beiträge: 1166
Registriert: Di 12. Mai 2020, 10:54

Re: EVSE-Wifi 1.1.1 remote access

Beitrag von aiole »

Special constellation. Maybe Mathias could give a hint.

Beiträge: 222
Registriert: Di 12. Mai 2020, 09:12

Re: EVSE-Wifi 1.1.1 remote access

Beitrag von Mathias »

Websocket also uses port 80. Maybe your reverse proxy ignores ws requests?
You can try to debug the script.js in your browser with F12. The ws-connect function starts at line 1948.
