EVSE-WIFI V1 frequent reboots

Fragen und Antworten zur Software hinter EVSE-WiFi
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Di 26. Mär 2024, 20:34

EVSE-WIFI V1 frequent reboots

Beitrag von joostvanderlinde »

I am using th v1 EVSE-WIFI for some time now.
I noticed that the setup reboots once in a while. Especially when I try to access the log (which never succeeded).
I recognize a recent reboot when the charged kWh and duration is too low compared to the actual charging time.
Charging of the car just goes on, luckily (and probably the reason why the behaviour is hard to notice).

I have read on Github that this happens not just with me. I suspect too little memory on the compiled firmware (v1.1.1).
I am running on a 16MB esp8266 (Wemos D1 mini pro) so the hardware has enough memory.
Now if only I can get a firmware compiled for the 16MB esp8266.
Is there anyone that can help me with this?
(Asked on Github as well but no response)
