ESP-32 Flash size / compatible boards?

Fragen und Antworten zur Hardware
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Mi 30. Mär 2022, 13:16

ESP-32 Flash size / compatible boards?

Beitrag von tom.chovanec »

I'd like to use my own ESP32 module (baceuse I have many spare ESP32/4MB modules at home).
I've noticed that platformio settings contains preset for 8MB flash size (partitions). But 4MB is plenty of space. So have removed OTA updates, ping feature, set partition to no_ota,csv and got it somehow to work.
I wonder to know what are the HW requirement for ESP32 if I decide to use "full" version.
I'd also implement some my ideas (like MQTT....)

I'd say that these two shold be compatible (but I'm not sure) - please confirm
Both have 8MB FLASH

I also tried ESP8266 w/ v1.1.1, but I got bootloop whenever I tried to update settings. What are the minimum requirements here? 4MB flash (like Wemos D1 mino pro) or 1MB flash is enought? Do we have any platformio settings for widely used boards? I'm missing some "how to flash from platformio" guide. I've lost so much time playing with libraries....

Beiträge: 1168
Registriert: Di 12. Mai 2020, 10:54

Re: ESP-32 Flash size / compatible boards?

Beitrag von aiole »

Wroover won't work due to connected PSRAM-Module (We concentrate on our hardware, which doesn't use PSRAM).
8266 is discontinued model for software development.

Our software development + forum + documentaion is financed by hardware selling.
You can choose optimized communication module
or complete wallbox

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Mi 30. Mär 2022, 13:16

Re: ESP-32 Flash size / compatible boards?

Beitrag von tom.chovanec »

Hi, I understand how you work is financed. That's why I've ordered your EVSE-WB (from seller in CZ).
But providing SW as opensource and then block HW description (even for obsolete HW) maybe have impact on how many EVSE-WB you'll sell. Nobody want's your PCBs or anything else. But's your business model, I understand....

Beiträge: 1168
Registriert: Di 12. Mai 2020, 10:54

Re: ESP-32 Flash size / compatible boards?

Beitrag von aiole »

SW = open source
HW = closed source
It's a compromis which works quite ok. Same business model like openWB. Win-Win on both sides (sw-updates, helpful community, fair trade).

Too many individual trees (different hardware) costs much time and can make the whole system inefficient / unreliable.
Our goal are satisfied users with possibility of co-developing/testing. We love "quality before quantity".

Even our partner from CZ doesn't provide hw-documentation.
