Simple EVSE RCD sensor support?

Fragen und Antworten zur Hardware
Beiträge: 1168
Registriert: Di 12. Mai 2020, 10:54

Re: Simple EVSE RCD sensor support?

Beitrag von aiole »

Courage2000 hat geschrieben:
Sa 18. Sep 2021, 20:34
Some pictures are from their discussion board :(
Inside pic in openWB-Forum are deleted too.
Courage2000 hat geschrieben:
Sa 18. Sep 2021, 20:34
I can understand the rules and I do not push the issue, but this is paranoia.
We only respect the copyrights. If other do not, we don't support it.
Courage2000 hat geschrieben:
Sa 18. Sep 2021, 20:34
If I would buy an OpenWB or SmartWB, I have the right to open, test and discuss what's inside, no mather what the producer wants!
no problem, but
1. actual you don't own it and
2. read the manual and you'll find the hints to not provide inside pic in public channels.
Courage2000 hat geschrieben:
Sa 18. Sep 2021, 20:34
I really hate the fact that all the "Open Source" EVSE are in fact a walled garden.

It's open source or it is not?
openWB , smartWB:
software = open source
hardware= closed source
Courage2000 hat geschrieben:
Sa 18. Sep 2021, 20:34
Smart WB is not Open Source and is using a custom EVSE-WIFi 2, but is really hard to find a technical schematic, even if you buy the EVSE-WIFI 2.

So much for the openness part.
read carefully - hw is closed source
This fact saves development of software (which you use 3 times).

What do you mean development cost? Nothing?
What do you mean (professional) help for you and others cost? Nothing?

Think about that and pls. contact an electrican for correct installation.

Beiträge: 24
Registriert: Do 11. Jun 2020, 22:39

Re: Simple EVSE RCD sensor support?

Beitrag von Courage2000 »

Inside the link, on the first page, you will see the inside of an OpenWB Duo, on their board.
On Youtube you can find a detailed video of OpenWB, with phase switch, but in german.

As a linux developer and part owner of a software company, I know something about open/closed source.
This is not about the software, is a stupid (my opinion) move to hide informations = how HW parts are connected.

It took me a while to find schematics and pictures for Simple-EVSE, EVSE-WIFI, OpenWB and OpenEVSE.
Almost all the info was not very meticulously wiped in time from the servers and with some luck, I've made a backup.

As 100% of the hardware parts are available in the store, I can't understand the secret policy.

98% of the customers do not have the courage or knowledge to make an EVSE box for a costly car.
The other 2% could easily replicate the hardware.

Is not practical, there are totally different customers.

This is why I do not understand the policy of no pictures.
Is only a matter of time until someone is sick of this non-sense and will make a detailed article about the inside of OpenWb Duo or SmartWB. Google is not your friend.

As I've made for myself 3 boxes of EVSE WIFI 1.x as a hobby only, I think I know how SmartWB works.
No need for pictures.

Is really not so difficult to read the public documentation and piece together that except the EVSE-WIFI 2.0, all the parts can be bought at a fraction of the costs from Aliexpress.

Some may even clone the device, but without certification, who would buy it? See, really no competition.

Also, most informations about EVSE boxes is german only (except OpenEVSE).

P.S. Most electricians are "cable monkeys".
Rarely they do understand how things works.

Beiträge: 1168
Registriert: Di 12. Mai 2020, 10:54

Re: Simple EVSE RCD sensor support?

Beitrag von aiole »

Presenting pic, schematics...=> hardware = open souce.
This will not work.

Your 2% will increase fast and after reaching 10%, most people think they are hardware developers :lol:
Instead of going forward with smartWB/EVSE-Wifi we would go down with a mass of support. That's not our goal.

We want to concentrate on development of longterm, reliable wallbox-system with coding option 4all.

Hardware is not Linux. In this project hardware saves the software development.
